Cocosbuilder For Cocos2dx Tutorial Part One code connection
I. create a empty HelloCocos2dx project
use the cocos2dx template
II. setup CocosBuilder
- create a CocosBuilder project called HelloCocos2dx
- in CocosBuilder File->new File to create a Layer file HelloLayer
- add a CCLabelTTF,make it center,in the property panel Code Connections section change Don't assign to Owner - -- var,and input txtHello,change Sample Text to "Hello From CocosBuilder"
- add a CCMenu,and add a CCMenuItemImage to the CCMenu,in the CCMenuItemImage property panel CCMenuItem section,input onSayHello: for Selector field and change target to Owner,in the CCMenuItemImage section select a image for normal state.
- in CocosBuilder File->Project Settings set Publish Directory to xcode project Resources/UI,uncheck all the checkbox,now publish
III. connect with code
- create a cpp class called LayerHello
#ifndef __LayerHello__
#define __LayerHello__
#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "CCBMemberVariableAssigner.h"
#include "CCBSelectorResolver.h"
#include "CCLabelTTF.h"
class LayerHello : public cocos2d::CCLayer,public CCBMemberVariableAssigner,public CCBSelectorResolver
public://================UI injections
CCLabelTTF *txtHello;
void onSayHello(CCObject *sender);
virtual bool init();
virtual bool onAssignCCBMemberVariable(CCObject * pTarget, cocos2d::CCString * pMemberVariableName, CCNode * pNode)
return false;
virtual cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler onResolveCCBCCMenuItemSelector(CCObject * pTarget, CCString * pSelectorName)
return NULL;
virtual cocos2d::extension::SEL_CCControlHandler onResolveCCBCCControlSelector(CCObject * pTarget, CCString * pSelectorName)
return NULL;
#endif /* defined(__LayerHello__) */
#include "LayerIncActorInfo.h"
#include "CCBReader.h"
#include "CCNodeLoaderLibrary.h"
LayerHello:: LayerHello()
: txtHello(0)
bool LayerHello::init()
bool bRet = false;
CC_BREAK_IF(! CCLayer::init());
CCNodeLoaderLibrary * ccNodeLoaderLibrary = CCNodeLoaderLibrary::sharedCCNodeLoaderLibrary();
CCBReader * ccbReader = new CCBReader(ccNodeLoaderLibrary,this,this);
CCNode * node = ccbReader->readNodeGraphFromFile("UI/", "HelloLayer.ccbi", this);
bRet = true;
} while (0);
return bRet;
void LayerHello::onSayHello(CCObject *sender)
txtHello->setString("Hello From Code");
- add LayerHello to your scene,click run to test it
- in you game,click the CCMenuItemImage,the label should change to "Hello From Code"
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